
Leading Economic Indicators & Reports For Accurate Market Forecasts

For Institutions, Private Investors And Traders

RecessionALERT equips subscribers with advanced economic indicators, US market commentary & macro-economic reports to inform on the risks & probability of a U.S recession. This is coupled with U.S stock market allocation and market-timing models to help investors make informed and accurate market forecasts. All of this is accessed through various weekly and monthly PDF reports, as well as heads-up-displays accessed on the RecessionALERT Portal.

Our Economic Research & Stock Market Models are trusted by top Global & US Investment Firms

Alerts and Daily updated charts for all models

  • All models are backed by research papers archived in our RESEARCH CENTRE. Download historical data for all models, available for back-testing.
  • Four Skype/Zoom sessions with our team to train and/or explain all aspects of our models and tailor your experience to your specific investment style & risk profile.
  • Our daily updated ALERTS CENTRE categorizes critical alerts into SP500, Macro-Economic, Website changes & ETF’s to ensure you never miss anything.
  • Our REPORTS CENTRE archives all PDF published reports into categories for Leading US Indices, US Housing & Labor Markets, Stock market health & Global Economy
  • Our research also extends to offer institutional-grade insights for Bitcoin as well as analysis relating to the allocation of funds in a safe & effective manner.
"I am a big fan of Dwaine van Vuuren and RecessionALERT, whose excellent statistical work is giving us better insight into a wide range of recession forecasting methods. The analysis has a very strong, practical market application which has paid off richly for subscribers over the last few months. How? Mostly by putting the 2011 ECRI recession forecast into a better perspective."
"While I am convinced that the data weight heavily toward recession risk, there is a well-done and more optimistic piece by Dwaine van Vuuren out of South Africa that is worth reading, particularly for methodological reasons. I appreciate van Vuuren's approach because the investment world desperately needs more analysts who thoughtfully examine long-term data rather that using toy models or tossing opinions off the top of their heads."
quantitative research models

Quantitative Research

All of our quantitative models are the fruits of our own extensive research and development. Most client-facing models have access to the detailed research notes, theory, papers and actuarial tables as we believe clients are likely to be more successful with models if they understand them. All our new models have their data updated daily and outputs published for clients in a work-bench area for a year of out-of-sample testing before moving to the live environment. Many of our clients tell us that we are unique in that we also provide decades worth of detailed historical data for all our models as Excel downloads for customers’ own back-testing  or incorporation into their own investment and trading models.


The Dashboard is the first port-of-call one-stop “at-a-glance” overview of all the most important information from our market timing & buy-the-dip models to our economic & valuation models.


There are 15 separate reports available as downloadable PDF files, grouped into 8 categories for ease of reference. The main tab is a chronological archive to simply view the latest reports as they are published. Publication alerts are sent via e-mail, and all report archives go back 5 years via a scrollbar.

ALERTS Dashboard

Alerts are issued daily as economic models reach defined thresholds or stock market risk/opportunities are identified or new models or improvements are added to the website: 

Institutional Cryptocurrency Report

A relatively new field that brings the robustness of traditional market macroeconomic analysis to the crypto sphere. Used by high net-worth investors, family offices, company treasurers and fund managers with exposure to Bitcoin to manage macro-level cyclical crypto market risk and optimize their entries/exits. A variety of off-chain and on-chain data is deployed to produce charts & models for Cyclical & Seasonal analysis, Supply/Demand dynamics, Valuation models, Probability models for tops/bottoms, on-chain accumulation buy/sell models and technical analysis.

Choose Your Subscription Plan

Join RecessionALERT and get full access to all our models, charts, PDF reports, dashboards, research and emailed commentary.



Opportunity to discover our services. Includes access to all features of PRO subscription, at up to 33% discount PLUS you get two extra years FREE .  That’s an effective 78% discount & only $13/month for 36 months. This & 2 other discount options are below:

1.) In the spirit of discovery, discounts are NOT applicable to existing or prior clients within the last  one year.

2.) Standard annual rates apply after expiry of subscription (you can cancel before renewal.)

3.) Offer limited to 25 units and EXPIRES Fri 31 Jan 2025

UNITS LEFT : 3 out of 25

BASIC Subscription

For private investors only
Single individual for personal, non-professional, private non-commercial use.

Includes access to PDF reports of all 14 weekly & monthly leading U.S econometric models. Includes monthly Global Economic Report. Includes SP500 market-timing models & related charts, tier-1 market breadth models.

Includes economic dashboards, emailed commentary, end-of-day chart updates and access to the ALERTS centre.

Also 1 x 1-hour ZOOM consultation.

PRO Subscription

For private investors, professional individuals, asset managers, institutions & corporations

BASIC subscription PLUS following:
1. Excel history of all data & models;
2. Emailed alerts & exclusive research;
3. QQQ & Bitcoin probability based market-timing models;
4. MacroBuilder to use historic data to build own custom macro-indices/models;
5. Gen-2 advanced probability models;
6. OPTIMUM market-timing models;
7. Intraday model+chart updates;
8. Advanced Market Breadth charts

Also  3 x 1-hour ZOOM consultations

Includes Institutional Bitcoin Models

Our Economic Research & Stock Market Models are trusted by top Global & US Investment Firms

"While I am convinced that the data weight heavily toward recession risk, there is a well-done and more optimistic piece by Dwaine van Vuuren out of South Africa that is worth reading, particularly for methodological reasons. I appreciate van Vuuren's approach because the investment world desperately needs more analysts who thoughtfully examine long-term data rather that using toy models or tossing opinions off the top of their heads."
"I am a big fan of Dwaine van Vuuren and RecessionALERT, whose excellent statistical work is giving us better insight into a wide range of recession forecasting methods. The analysis has a very strong, practical market application which has paid off richly for subscribers over the last few months. How? Mostly by putting the 2011 ECRI recession forecast into a better perspective."
Dwaine van Vuuren

About RecessionALERT

Founded by Dwaine van Vuuren

Our first macroeconomic models on the US were developed for our own investment purposes. Around 2011, the general consensus on the internet and investment sites was that the US was falling into recession, contrary to what our models were showing us. We released the positive diagnosis of the US economy on Dashofinsight and Advisor Perpectives and received hundreds of requests to keep people appraised of the model on a weekly basis. After the model (which was by now named the SuperIndex) proved to correctly diagnose the US economy (or lack of a recession) people were requesting a subscription to continue getting the report on a regular weekly basis, and that is how RecessionALERT was born. Since those days many new models have been researched and developed by our team and we service hundreds of private investors, traders, family offices and institutions mainly based in the USA and Canada.

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Get Your Sample Reports

Discover the Models, Charts & Research that RecessionALERT provides Institutions, Family Offices, Private Investors & Traders.

We produce over 10 weekly & monthly comprehensive reports in PDF format. One different, but recent report will be emailed to you each week, over the next three weeks.

recession alert sample report

Before you go!

Get Your Free Sample Reports

Discover the Models, Charts and Research that RecessionALERT produces for Institutions, Private Investors and Traders. Three different, but recent recession reports will be emailed to you.

recession alert sample report